Are you interested in being able to save a life of a family, friend or Tollgate neighbor? 3%....a staggering and scary statistic…is the number of US population that receives CPR training. This number leaves many bystanders unprepared to respond and assist in instances of emergency and particularly to cardiac arrest. It is time for Tollgate Village residents to rise above the national average! Become a part of the solution and consider taking part in the Tollgate Village American Heart Associate Friends & Family Course. Sign up using link below.
Course Information:
Title: American Heart Association Friends & Family Course
Covered: CPR (compressions and breaths) and choking care for Adults, Children, and Infant Victims. Also includes AED use for Adult and Children victims.
Date: Wednesday June 12, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: Tollgate Village Clubhouse
Cost: $40/each if buying individually or $30/each if buying in pairs
Registration link: