The TAC is comprised of several committees that serve our community. 

Grounds Committee

John Liska

This committee is responsible for all common areas, streets, lighting, fountains, trees and irrigation throughout the neighborhood, excluding the area west of the creek (where the amenities center is located).

Amenities Committee

Larry Simmons

This committee is responsible for the clubhouse, exercise facilities, pool, tennis courts, playground and dog park. This includes the grounds and parking lots that support these facilities.

Community Interface

Ed Cagle

This committee is responsible for organizing events and activities for the pleasure of the community. Fun runs, walks and coordination of commercial services are just a few of the responsibilities of this committee. Additionally, this committee keeps residents aware of upcoming town or county commission votes that might affect Tollgate Village.

Social Committee

Laura Parra

This committee plans, organizes and conducts community socials throughout the year. From fish fries to Halloween parties, this committee brings our residents together and helps build a stronger community.

Officer Appreciation

Julie Jones

This committee prepares and provides food and goodie bags to Williamson County Sheriff's Office deputies on a quarterly basis, showing our appreciation for their extraordinary efforts to keep us all safe.

Community Care

Suzanne Feinstein

This is our newest committee, and is focused on helping our neighbors in times of need and celebration. Baby baskets are provided when a new baby is born. When surgery or sickness occurs, meals might be provided or a yard mowed or other tasks offered while the resident heals. To get involved or suggest a recipient, email

Neighborhood Watch

George Petzelt

This committee provides feedback to residents and the Williamson County Sheriff’s department on actions that might be of concern or interest to Tollgate Residents. By coordinating the observations of many residents, we enjoy a safe community for all to enjoy.