Regent Homes Plan for the Front of Tollgate at BOMA Meeting (First Reading)

Tollgate residents have questioned the signs at the front of Tollgate announcing a Public Hearing on May 8th.   This will be the “Second Reading” and final vote by the Board of Mayor and Alderman to make the changes to the zoning for the front of Tollgate to accommodate Live Work, Townhomes and Condominiums.  The Commercial Development is approved, and this is separate.  If you want to view the actual items that will be voted on, you can scroll down to access the video below.  This is an excerpt from the first reading of the BOMA meeting on April 10th.  The “Second reading” will be the same except the public is invited to make comments before BOMA votes.
Based upon the three different neighborhood votes conducted by TAC, each in favor of this development, TAC has spoken at each Planning Commission meeting and BOMA meeting expressing the desires of Tollgate residents for this development to be approved.

As TAC has said from the very beginning of this endeavor, it is our desire to represent the will of the residents of Tollgate Village, which we have.  However, the public hearing on May 8th is a crucial BOMA vote to deny or approve this endeavor.  TAC asks that everyone in Tollgate, plan to attend and express your opinion on how the BOMA should vote on this request.

